Here with Her
In my dreams, I watched as he turned away and the feel of his hand against mine had begun to fade. I awoke to the imprint of loss upon my...
I just want to play unburdened and unbothered in this grassy meadow of wild being. Holding half formed words up toward the light and...
Paint me
Paint me boldly in shades of curiosity and deepening hues of becoming. Paint my lips the color of dare-me red and dress me in a gown of...
No Before Yes
I spent most of yesterday ruminating on why the word "no" is so freakin' challenging for me to say. Then, a subtle and surprising insight...
Ready, S.E.T., Orient!
Ready, set, go is a familiar refrain on playgrounds, but for many of us it’s how we begin the day. We sprint from meetings to...
Living Life Like a Jellyfish
A felt sense of ease has been frustratingly elusive, but the reasons for this struggle lay in my approach. Each time I felt myself in the...
No Regrets
No Regrets Lauren Taub Cohen Gusts of self-doubt swirl within my cavernous mind and the thick sludge of stagnancy weighs heavily upon my...
A Dynamic Duo: Mary Shelley & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Everything arises out of causes and conditions is a familiar refrain within the world of mindfulness meditation. And, I can't help but...
Inhabiting the Inexpressible
I began this poem in a doctor's office while reading Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson. I found myself having to...